10 Pink Carnation Hand Bouquet #1

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10 Pink Carnation Hand Bouquet.

Looking for a special gift for Mothers Day?
Send your mom a 10 Pink Carnation Hand Bouquet with cake! This beautiful bouquet is perfect for showing your mom how much you care.
Here are some of the benefits of our 10 Pink Carnation Hand Bouquet:
- Fresh and beautiful carnations that will last
- A free delivery to the Philippines
- A handwritten note with your personal message
Our customers love our 10 Pink Carnation Hand Bouquet! Here's what they're saying:
"My mom was so happy to receive this bouquet on Mothers Day! The carnations were fresh and beautiful, and the cake was delicious. Thank you for making Mothers Day special for us!"
"I was so impressed with the quality of the carnations and the cake. My mom was thrilled to receive this gift, and I will definitely be ordering from you again."
"Your 10 Pink Carnation Hand Bouquet is the perfect gift for Mothers Day! Thank you for the beautiful carnations. We will be back for more!"
Order your 10 Pink Carnation Hand Bouquet today and make Mothers Day special for your mom!

Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized free message card.