Pink Lilies,Red Roses & Pink Carnations Bouquet

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Looking for a way to show your loved ones how much you care?
Look no further than our 6 pink lilies, 6 red roses, and 6 pink carnations bouquet! This beautiful arrangement is perfect for any occasion, and is sure to put a smile on the face of whoever you send it to.
Features & Benefits:
- Fresh flowers: All of our flowers are freshly picked and arranged by hand to ensure the highest quality possible.
- Vibrant colors: The vibrant colors of this bouquet are sure to catch anyone's eye.
- Full of meaning: Lilies are a symbol of purity and innocence, while roses represent love and appreciation. Pink carnations are often given as a sign of gratitude.
How it works:
- Simply choose the bouquet you would like to send, and enter the delivery information.
- Our team of expert florists will hand-pick and arrange the freshest flowers available.
- Your bouquet will be delivered on the date you choose, fresh and beautiful.
Here's what our customers are saying:
"I sent this bouquet to my mom for her birthday, and she loved it! The flowers were fresh and vibrant, and she said they lasted for over a week. I will definitely be ordering from you again."
"I was so impressed with the quality of the flowers and the service. My girlfriend loved the bouquet I sent her, and I will definitely be using your service again in the future."

Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized free message card.