Half Dozen Red Rose Bouquet, Teddy Bear & Toblerone Chocolate

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 Half Dozen Red Rose Bouquet, Small Teddy Bear & 3pcs Toblerone Chocolate
Looking for a romantic gift that will make your special someone feel loved?
This Half Dozen Red Rose Bouquet, Small Teddy Bear & 3pcs Toblerone Chocolate is the perfect way to show your affection. Plus, it comes with a delicious treat that will satisfy any sweet tooth.
Here's what you'll get:
- Half Dozen Red Rose Bouquet
- Small Teddy Bear
- Toblerone Chocolate, each 100g

Please note: In case of unavailability, this Chocolate could be replaced by equal-value Chocolate.

Please Note: Bear Color & Design may vary depending on the availability.

Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized gift card.