Two Dozen Blue Spray Roses in Bouquet

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24 pcs of Blue Roses in a Bouquet

Looking for a way to show your significant other how much you care?
Two dozen blue spray roses in a bouquet are the perfect way to show your love. Here are just a few reasons why our customers love this product:
-The flowers are fresh and beautiful.
-The bouquet is hand-tied with a satin ribbon.
-The delivery is always on time.
So what are you waiting for? Show your loved ones how much you care with a bouquet of blue spray roses today.

For Regular Rose: There are no naturally blue roses that exist in this world. These Blue Roses are either re-hydrated or sprayed with Blue colored White Roses. However they look like original blue roses, & most importantly, these roses are of the highest quality, hand picked for this process & very beautiful!

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