10 Mixed Color Gerberas in a Bouquet #14

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Do you want to make someone's day?
Then send them this bouquet of 10 mixed-color gerberas!
This bouquet is perfect for any occasion, and is sure to put a smile on the recipient's face. The flowers are fresh and vibrant, and will stay fresh for days.
Features & Benefits:
- Fresh and vibrant flowers
- Long lasting
- Perfect for any occasion
How it works:
Simply choose your bouquet, add a personal message, and enter the delivery information. We will take care of the rest!
Here's what our customers are saying:
"I sent this bouquet to my mom for her birthday, and she loved it! The flowers were fresh and vibrant, and they lasted for over a week. I will definitely be ordering from philflorist.com again."
"I was so impressed with the quality of the flowers. I ordered them for my wife's birthday, and she was thrilled. I will definitely be a returning customer."

Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized free message card.