12 Pink Roses Bouquet, Teddy Bear & Love U Balloon

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One dozen beautiful pink roses in a bouquet, small size teddy bear with i love you mylar balloon.


What's the best way to show your significant other how much you care?
One dozen beautiful pink roses in a bouquet, small size teddy bear with i love you mylar balloon is the perfect way to show your loved one how much you care!
The features and benefits of this product are:
-One dozen beautiful pink roses: The roses are a symbol of love and appreciation and are sure to make your loved one feel special.
-Small size teddy bear: The teddy bear is a cute and cuddly addition to the bouquet that is sure to please.
-I love you mylar balloon: The balloon is a fun and festive way to show your love.



Note: Bear & Balloon may vary,depending on the availability.

Please Note: Balloon could be in inflated or deflated state while delivered in provincial area. If delivered in deflated state, a free pumper would be provided along with the balloon, if delivered in inflated state, no pumper would be provided.

Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized gift card.