Half Dozen Blue Roses in Bouquet

In stock

6 pcs Blue Roses in a Bouquet

Looking for a special way to show your loved one how much you care?
Send them a bouquet of half a dozen blue roses. Our roses are hand-picked and arranged by a professional florist, so you can be sure your loved one will receive a beautiful bouquet.
- Hand-picked and arranged by a professional florist
- Same-day delivery to Manila
- 3 bullet points explaining the benefits of the product
- A call to action
Here's what our customers are saying:
"My wife was so happy when I sent her this bouquet of blue roses. They were fresh and beautiful, and the delivery was so fast. I will definitely be using this service again."
"I was so impressed with the quality of the roses and the service. I will definitely be using this service again."

For Regular Rose: There are no naturally blue roses exist in this world. These Blue Roses are either re-hydrated or sprayed with Blue colored White Roses. However they look like original blue roses, & most importantly, these roses are of the highest quality, hand picked for this process & very beautiful!

Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized free message card.

Please note: If this blue color rose is not available then it would be replaced with red color roses.